Computing related info

Computing related information

Connect to university network through a vpn

Connect to (opens in a new tab) and download the SSL VPN configuration file for your device. To know how, check this pdf.
Contact Dr. Bhawna Gomber for login credentials.

You also have to download a vpn client on your device which accepts openvpn config files. Links to the vpn client downloads are given in (opens in a new tab) for Windows and MacOS . For linux, you have to download the openvpn service. If you have an debian distribution like Ubuntu, Linux mint etc. follow these steps to download openvpn:

  1. Go on to the terminal and run :
sudo apt-get install openvpn
  1. To start the vpn connection run:
sudo openvpn  /path/to/bhawnagsp__ssl_vpn_config.ovpn

Doing this will connect to the UoH internal network. So any site or server that stays inside the UoH network could be accessed now. You can check that by connecting to (opens in a new tab) on your browser(accept the security warning and proceed to You could ssh to your account as usual with ssh <username>@

When you are already in the University network connected via wifi or LAN , it is wiser to connect directly ssh <username>@ without vpn

vim/neovim cheat sheet

Command Mode

Press ESC. Command mode commands start with a colon ':'

:q!forcefully exit without saving
:wqwrite(save) and exit


iget into insert mode
ESCget out of insert mode

Jump to Line

446+EnterJump to line number 446
CTRL+HOMEJump to the beginning of the document
CTRL+ENDJump to the end of the document
PgUpMove a page up
PgDnMove a page down

Copy and Paste

Copying is called yanking in terminal text editors.

yyank a single word which touches the cursor position
yyyank the whole line
5yyyank this lines plus 5 following lines
ppaste after cursor position
Ppaste before cursor position


/<keyword>search, type the keyword and then press enter, to go to the next result press n

Search and replace

Do a search as usual, press enter and 'cgn' . This will get you in Insert mode. Write a replacement text and ESC . To replace the next search result, jump to the next search result with 'n' and press dot '.'

--- prayag 2024/02/23 14:02

Desktops at CMSLAB

There are two desktops at CMSLAB. They are dual booted with windows and Ubuntu.